
MME Provides IT Services to Dental Specialty Practices

For over 20 years MME has been providing IT services to Dental Specialty Practices all across the US and Canada. We are your ‘Computer Person’.

Our entire team works together to provide you with the Services your Practice might need. Computer support & installation, network design, cloud hosting, secure email, backup solutions, Internet security and much more. Learn more.

By specializing in technologies commonly used in Orthodontic, Oral Surgery, Pediatrics, Periodontics, Endodontics and General Dentistry Practices we have additional skills that a local IT shop may be lacking, skills essential to making your Practice thrive. This is the MME difference.

We look forward to helping you with your Practice. Please explore our Services and reach out to Contact Us to get us started helping.

Let MME put the pieces of the Technology Puzzle together so your Practice Can Thrive.

~ IT products for your dental office ~

Our carefully curated list ensures that you can easily find the products you need without having to reach out to us for recommendations on what to add or replace. We have considered every aspect, from functionality and compatibility to cost-effectiveness and ease of use, to provide you with a hassle-free shopping experience.

Whether you are looking to upgrade your equipment or add new tools to your workflow, our selection of products is guaranteed to meet your needs. Click here for more details.